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发布时间:2013-04-02 作者: 出自:


My good fortune had it that BOMA China invited me as their guest to deliver a pre-sentation to the Chinese Real Estate Network Conference in Beijing. This would be my first trip to China, and the prospect to see a different country, its people and its culture was very exciting. I happened to arrive in Beijing dur-ing a period of the worst smog in history; a face mask would not entirely protect me from the negative effects. A person with respiratory difficulties would certainly struggle.

Situated on a fluvial plain and surrounded by moun-tains to the north, this city of some 20 million persons is quite susceptible to smog when there is an inversion such as there was during my visit. The subject of this conference was health and safety in the built environ-ment.


China World Trade Centre lobby

 BOMA Calgary, along with others associations, companies and the Alberta provincial government, had created a guide – Recommended Practices in Health and Safety: a guide for building owners and managers. With permis-sion, BOMA China had created its own version of the guide, which served as a point of reference at the conference.

 On this trip, I was invited by the Chinese to deliver a keynote address on health and safety. My theme was simply: health and safety is good business. My presentation covered the underlying drivers behind our health and safety guide and what it has meant for our industry and our association.As a trade association representing the commercial building ownership community, BOMA seeks continuous ways to create value for its members. 更多详情请点击查看